Safe Seas

UK seas are some of the most congested in the world where multiple uses necessitate the management of activities to reduce risks and frictions and enable harmonious coexistence.  Drawing upon our deep understanding of the interactions with fisheries, we work with multiple organisations to develop, inform and implement good practice and guidance.

Fisheries Legacy Trust Committee (FLTC)

The NFFO is a founding member of FLTC through which best practice in handling and communicating marine hazard information associated with active and legacy offshore oil and gas installations is delivered, including the cutting edge FishSAFE onboard system for fishing vessels providing real-time warning of marine hazards.

Oil and Gas UK

NFFO has a strong long-term working relationship with Oil & Gas UK and has contributed significantly to the development of standards and arrangements which exist between the oil & gas sector and the fishing industry.

NFFO is committed to remaining a proactive partner for the benefit of both industries.

Fisheries Liaison and Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables (FLOWW)

The NFFO was instrumental in the establishment of FLOWW in 2003 as the UK’s leading body to promote co-existence and best practice between the fisheries and the offshore wind industry through collaboration between government, the Crown Estate and both industries.  NFFO Service’s extensive knowledge and deep understanding of liaison and the fishing industry has guided input into the development of FLOWW best practice guidelines.

European Subsea Cables Association (ESCA)

The NFFO sits on the ESCA Maritime Sub-Group and continues to maintain strong working relationships with the telecommunications, renewable energy and electricity grid sectors to provide support and advice in the installation of new infrastructure in order to minimise safety risks associated with cables-fisheries interactions and ensure the integrity of assets.